Victoria School

Achieve, Believe, Learn together.

Islay Place

Workington, Cumbria, CA14 3XB

Tel:  01900601489,  email:

Islay Place

Workington, Cumbria, CA14 3XB

Tel:  01900601489,  email:

Victoria Road

Workington, Cumbria, CA14 2RE

Tel:  01900606053,  email:

Online Safety


New Technologies have become integral to the lives of children and young people in today's society, both within school and in their lives outside school.

The internet and other digital information technologies are powerful tools, which open up new opportunities for everyone.

These technologies open up opportunities for communication, stimulate discussion, promote creativity and increase awareness of context to promote effective learning.

Children and young people should have an entitlement to safe internet access at all times.

At Victoria School we take Internet Safety very seriously and aim to provide learning opportunities, directly and indirectly, through computing lessons, assemblies, kid safe programs, class circle and talk times in order to strengthen the pupil voice to ensure safety at all times. Along with this the school uses resources and lesson plans from the National online safety and National College websites to support the teaching of Internet safety. Parents and careers can also visit these sites via the school to access a wide range of resources and guides on how they can help keep their children safe whilst online at home and out of school. 

 Computing Policy.pdfDownload
 Online Safety Policy.pdfDownload
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Parent Guides

As a parent the internet can be a confusing place, below are a number of parents guides relating to the most popular sites your children might be accessing today and general safety information to help keep your child safe whilst online.

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