The Intent, Implementation and Impact of Science at Victoria School
“All of science is nothing more than the refinement of everyday thinking.”
- Albert Einstein
At Victoria School we believe that Science should be fun, enjoyable and engaging. In Science we aim to create memorable experiences, to create a buzz of excitement from the children. We learn about new topics and we see links with other subject areas. We share our experiences across year groups and classes, there are visits and visitors and we all work together to have fun. The knowledge and content are well planned and organised. We plan engaging experiments with a host of resources. Children question, explain and justify their answers. Science learning at our school is going well when everyone listens, everyone is kind, supportive and works together.
Victoria School’s intent for the teaching of Science is to support both a depth of scientific understanding and skill development, whilst igniting the natural curiosity of our pupils to the world around us. Our aim is for pupils have the understanding that science has changed our lives and that is vital to the world’s future prosperity.
Our science curriculum allows all pupils to obtain the knowledge and skills needed to help them think like a scientist, develop an understanding of scientific processes, and to understand the uses and implications of science today, and for the future. We enable all pupils to feel they are scientists and capable of achieving, regardless of their age, background of need.
Victoria School recognises that although factual science knowledge is important, what is truly crucial is the development of Working Scientifically and enquiry skills. These skills are what allow scientists to be creative, solve problems and see fundamental links between science phenomena.
This approach to teaching science promotes security, mastery and depth of learning.
Science at Victoria School is taught in line with Development Matters Guidance, Birth to Five Guidance, Communication and Language Toolkit and the National Curriculum, but more specifically is taught using Developing Experts and Victoria School EYFS Bespoke Curriculum. Science is delivered through a sequenced curriculum, which is designed to enable learners to experience a curriculum which progresses logically. Within each science unit, lessons are ordered to develop knowledge which is then built on and revisited regularly, to help knowledge stick.
In Early Years, Science is taught weekly through Understanding the World. In Key Stages One and Two Science is taught in sequenced lessons, building upon prior knowledge. Where possible each science topic includes one piece of independent writing and one piece of mathematical problem solving.
Teachers at Victoria School build upon the learning and skill development of the previous years. As the pupils’ knowledge and understanding increases, and they become more proficient in selecting, using scientific equipment, collating and interpreting results, they become increasingly confident in their growing ability to come to conclusions based on real evidence.
At the end of each science lesson, children complete a ‘Rocket Words Quiz’ and an Assessment Quiz. At the end of the science topic, pupils complete an End of Topic Test. These strategies combined enable teachers to plan science lessons to meet the needs and interests of the pupils and provide a measure of pupil progress.
All science lessons are dual objective focussed. Working Scientifically skills are embedded into lessons to ensure these skills are being developed throughout the pupils’ school career and new vocabulary and challenging concepts are introduced through direct teaching. This is developed through the years, in-keeping with the topics.
Teachers demonstrate how to use scientific equipment, and the various Working Scientifically skills in order to embed scientific understanding. Teachers find opportunities to develop pupils’ understanding of their surroundings by accessing outdoor learning and workshops with experts.
Teachers use regular quizzes and summative assessments to assess pupils’ depth of understanding. The Developing Experts Progression of Knowledge and Skills documents, supports teachers in making accurate assessment of pupils’ Working Scientifically skills. These measures combined allow for performance to be tracked across topics and Key Stages to show the pupil’s progress over time.
Regular events, such as Science Week or project days, allow all pupils to come off-timetable, to provide broader provision and the acquisition and application of knowledge and skills. These events often involve families and the wider community.
Science Capital -
Victoria School places extremely high value on the Science Capital of our pupils. We recognise that the higher the science capital, the more likely our children are to aspire to a science related career. This is vitally important in school with a high percentage of disadvantaged pupils and in a community with STEM at its backbone.
Pupils are offered a wide range of extra-curricular activities, visits, trips and visitors to complement and broaden the curriculum. These are purposeful and link with the knowledge being taught in class. Victoria School has developed strong sustained links with local STEM ambassadors and companies who are regularly invited into school to work with pupils. We have joined the STEM Learning Solutions Network, which will help to develop STEM opportunities for our pupils and provide high quality CPD for teachers.
Victoria School has a consistent, well-constructed and well-taught Science curriculum that all builds towards a clearly defined end point, so that pupils are always being prepared for the next stage of their education. Pupils develop fluency in Science, depth of understanding and apply their knowledge as skills.
The impact is for all pupils to develop a sense of excitement and curiosity and provide them with the necessary skills and knowledge to become young scientists.
Victoria School’s Science Curriculum ensures:
- EYFS pupils are KS1 ready by the time they leave the Early Years: Nursery and Reception years prepare the children for KS1. Children have explored the three strands of Understanding the World: Past and Present, People, Culture and Communities and The Natural World to prepare them for more formal learning in Year 1.
- Assessment in KS1 and KS2 is used to support next steps: It focusses on depth of understanding, not just superficial knowledge recall. Our assessment criteria are matched against year group expectations and are used for next steps in the classroom, with pupils, to support their progression and develop them as independent learners.
- Pupils are secondary ready by the end of Year 6: Criteria from the primary National Curriculum are matched to year group equivalence.
- Working scientifically is developed effectively through progressive skill steps so that year group expectations are reached. These steps are clear and easy to use within a dual objective approach.
- Science knowledge, terminology and concepts are assessed effectively and simply .This enables progress to be tracked between topics over time. Assessment is simple and focusses on depth of understanding, not just superficial knowledge recall.
- English and Maths are developed in tandem through common criteria matched to year group expectation. Developing cross-curriculum blended learning is vital for problem solving skills necessary for STEM approaches.
- Our broad, rich Science curriculum ensures all pupils, including disadvantaged and SEND acquire the knowledge and Science capital they need to be ready for the next Key Stage and to ultimately succeed in the STEM based community that drives West Cumbria.
Science at Victoria School is good when:
- Children carry out practical investigations to develop their working scientifically skills
- Children are given time to explore, ask questions, make decisions and reflect on their findings
- Children develop their use of scientific vocabulary accurately and confidently
- Children have the opportunity to conduct hands-on investigations in a real-life context and are given time to explore and solve problems
- Science includes practical investigations, visitors, trips, whole school events, workshops, and cross-curricular links in order to make it real and relevant for the children
- Children work collaboratively to share their expertise and knowledge