Victoria School

Achieve, Believe, Learn together.

Islay Place

Workington, Cumbria, CA14 3XB

Tel:  01900601489,  email:

Islay Place

Workington, Cumbria, CA14 3XB

Tel:  01900601489,  email:

Victoria Road

Workington, Cumbria, CA14 2RE

Tel:  01900606053,  email:



    The Intent, Implementation and Impact of Physical Education at Victoria School

“You don't stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing!”

- George Bernard Shaw



At Victoria School we promote healthy lifestyles and healthy living. PE lessons are provide through an active curriculum in order to offer a wide range of essential activities that promote a healthy balance between education and exercise promoting Physical Literacy.


Physical Literacy can be described as the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding that provides our pupils with the foundation for lifelong participation in physical activity. This enables pupils to be physically literate supporting their development as competent, confident and healthy movers.


Pupils are encouraged to become fully engaged and enthusiastic about physical education and daily exercise, in order to develop a lifelong love of sports and physical exercise.


Lessons are fully inclusive for all abilities and ensure that pupil’s feel valued and challenged.


Our PE curriculum encourages and promotes a positive attitude to fitness and an understanding of the importance and impact it can have on our bodies. Pupils PE kits reference “Change for Life” logo in order to reinforce the impact of healthy life style.


We recognise that regular physical exercise can help to improve academic performance and if pupils engaged in regular exercise they show higher levels of concentration and improved behaviour.

Our intent is to;

  • Develop skills and competence in a broad range of physical activities.
  • Be physically active for sustained periods of time.
  • Engage in competitive sports and activities.
  • Lead healthy active life-styles.


Pupils are provided with a range of inclusive opportunities giving pupils a voice to share their opinions about sport within the school.

Sports leaders and pupils taking leadership roles develop qualities and skills to support peers.


Cross-curricular links to Physical Literacy are made to reinforce positive lifestyles and informed choices around their health, well-being and diet, linking the benefits of a healthy diet and physical activity to mental and physical well-being.


Pupils gain a secure understanding of different sports, their origins, including British and World-wide sporting role models and how to exercise safely.



The intent of our curriculum is implemented through the Get Set 4 PE scheme. Through this the children will study a variety of sports and activities – experiencing tactics and strategies through a series of conditioned and competitive games.


Pupils are provided with opportunities to experience a balanced and varied curriculum encouraging participation in a wide range of activities which include swimming, dance, gymnastics, invasion, racket, striking, fielding and athletics.


Our PE curriculum is planned to ensure that pupils are taught the skills that allow them to be assessed in:

  • Performance – being able to develop skill in different scenarios, individually, as pairs and in groups or teams.
  • Exploring tactics, strategies and implementing skills learnt to a broad range of sporting situations.
  • Health, fitness and physical preparation – students will understand and build on knowledge to answer the questions.


Lessons are practical, progressive, challenging, and adapted to support the needs of all students.

Technical terminology is used to build on extended specialist vocabulary with confidence, accuracy and precision.

Pupils are provided with opportunities to apply their mathematical knowledge to their understanding of PE, including measuring, timing, estimating and analysing data. Lessons and supplementary activities, such the daily mile, and keep fit stations, are delivered by teachers and professionals.


Pupils have the opportunity to attend a variety of extra-curricular sporting clubs to further develop their skills delivered by specialist coaches. These are available to all pupils and the coaches have the knowledge and skills to ensure that the sessions are inclusive to any pupil who wishes to attend.


Throughout the year pupils may be selected to represent their school in local interschool competitions. If the winning team/child is successful in the event, they may go on to represent the district at the county finals. Pupils are signposted to local sports teams and community provision with the aim of developing a life-long positive attitude healthy life-style.


Competitive sporting opportunities are being reframing and designed to be fully inclusive and will focus on the school games values rather than winning or losing. Celebrating successes and managing the challenges of defeat.


Sports leaders are encouraged to lead games/activities during playtimes to ensure the pupils have the opportunity to develop their skills in a more structured fashion.


Pupils are taken to the local leisure centre for swimming lessons with aim of not only teaching pupils swimming skills but also how to be safe both in and around the water.


Annually we have a week dedicated to promoting enjoyment of physical activities.



Our curriculum provision will:

  • Be recognised annually by the School Games Award.
  • Increase pupil’s knowledge and understanding of Physical Literacy.


Through the PE and extra-curricular opportunities pupils will:

  • Gain an in-depth understanding of how to lead a healthy life-style.
  • Boost pupil self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • Improve pupil fitness levels.
  • Improve pupil skill levels.
  • Improve both fine and gross motor skills which will impact upon academic outcomes.
  • Increase awareness of what a healthy and balanced diet looks like.
  • Increase awareness of the importance of competition, focusing on how to act at the end of each game i.e. showing respect for the opposition, shaking their hand and congratulating them on a game well played (regardless of the result).
  • Improve leadership skills as Sports Leaders.
  • Improve communication skills, team work and collaboration when engaging in team sports
  • Show respect to themselves, their opponents, referees and coaches.
  • Demonstrate increased knowledge of how to stay safe when they are in or around different bodies of water and through their lessons, more pupils will be able to enjoy the water due to the increased level of their swimming ability.


Through reframing competitions:

  • Show an increase in pupil engagement with extra –curricular activities.

Show an increase in pupil engagement Inter and Intra school competitions.