Victoria School

Achieve, Believe, Learn together.

Islay Place

Workington, Cumbria, CA14 3XB

Tel:  01900601489,  email:

Islay Place

Workington, Cumbria, CA14 3XB

Tel:  01900601489,  email:

Victoria Road

Workington, Cumbria, CA14 2RE

Tel:  01900606053,  email:

Hi, I'm Murphy the Managing Distractions Mole

In school we use our ‘managing distractions’ learning behaviour to help us learn how to recognise and reduce distractions to make our own ‘best’ learning environment. In school your child may do this by: realising not sitting next to their best friends can help their learning, moving away from distractions on the carpet and focusing attention for longer periods of time.

At home you can help your child to manage their distractions by; encouraging them to discuss what is distracting them from a task or their homework, model what distracts you and how you manage it and discuss how to find a good learning environment to complete homework or task.